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深圳園园教育集团简介Brief introduction深圳園园教育集团成立于1999年,以优良的学习环境和优质的保教体系为1.5—7岁的幼儿提供高质量的学前教育,以其科学的教育理念和卓越的教育品质赢得了社会各界的赞同和支持。短短的10年间,在深圳成功举办了多家校园,拥有5000多名学生。香格里拉幼儿园是深圳園园教育集团在重庆创办的第一所双语幼儿园,香格里拉幼儿园全面均衡的课程遵循中国教育部《幼儿教育指导纲要(试行)》,让幼儿通过综合、互动与实践的方式,得到全面的发展,为进入基础教育做好准备。Yuan yuan education group of shenzhen was founded in 1999.It has a great academic environment and high quality protection and education services providing high quality preschool education.It’s education ideology and educational quality won itself an endorsement and support from all sectors of the community. In just ten years, it has established a chain of kindergartens with more than 5,000 students.香格里拉幼儿园教育特色Education Characteristics of Shangri-la kindergarten1、中、英文并重的教育模式;Education model : Emphasizing both Chinese and English2、注重艺术,全面发展的教育宗旨;Educational tenets : Development in an all-around way, in which education of art is used to enhance learning3、玩中学、学中练的学习方式;learning style: learning through games and activities.香格里拉幼儿园的教育理念Educational doctrine of shangrila kindergarten1、让孩子快乐健康成长 Make kids grow up in a happy and healthy environment2、为孩子成就尚美品质Help kids to achieve quality and excellence.香格里拉幼儿园的课程Courses of shangrila kindergarten采用幼儿园活动整合课程,突出英语、数学、阅读等特色课程,鼓励孩子们在优越的双语环境下,通过主动参与各种有趣而富有挑战的活动,无压力地掌握各种知识,扩展他们的视野,努力做到将课程内容落实到香格里拉教育中,将发展成效落实到每一个幼儿成长过程中。Shangrila kindergarten adopts lessons intergrated by activities to highlight special lessons, such as: English, mathematics, reading, and so on. In a bilingual environment,it encourages kids to participate in challenging activitis.Kids are able to learn various kinds of knowledge stresslessly, expanding their vision. Shangrila does it’s best to carry out the curriculum of shangrila’s education.Every single child can enjoy shangrila’sdevelopment and achievements in their process of growing, at a steady stressless pace.我们的宗旨Our tenet以幼儿发展为本,提供高质量的幼儿保教服务,为幼儿一生的发展奠定基础!We base our efforts on fostering toddlers, and providing high quality protection and education services, and eventually build a solid foundation for toddlers.




幼儿园拥有一支乐于奉献、师德高尚、年轻活泼、业务精湛、高素质的教师队伍,全园教师中获高级职称的占30%,大专以上学历占70%,其中30% 获本科学历。幼儿园致力于双语、早期阅读、艺术教育的研究,是重庆市南川区双语教学的开拓者,并注重培养孩子的特长教育,逐步形成自己的办园特色。

幼儿园崇尚“敬业、团结、务实、创新”的园风,“让家长放心,让孩子开心”则是全体员工的工作目标 ,而提高孩子的综合素质,是我们的教育方向,即努力使孩子“学会生活、学会学习、学会交往、学会合作”, 以适应时代发展的需要。


1、 即日起开始登记招生,随到随学。

2、 招生范围: 适龄幼儿,不限户籍不分地区。

3、 招生年龄: 1.5——7 岁 均 可


4、 联系电话:71620345

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信息名称: 重庆香格里拉幼儿园
信息栏目: 信息简介 联系方式
单位电话: 7162034571629388
单位地址: 重庆市南川区香格里拉花园12号楼
网页版本: 手机版 电脑版
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